John T. Fitzgerald
John T. Fitzgerald has extensive experience acquiring and operating middle-market companies. JT is a former search funder and is the founder of Argo Management Group, a private investment firm that has acquired or made direct investments and follow-on acquisitions in dozens of operating companies utilizing the Search Fund model. Mr. Fitzgerald is President, CEO and Director of Kingsway Financial Services Inc. (NYSE: KFS).
Prior to Argo, Mr. Fitzgerald was co-founder and managing director of Adirondack Capital, LLC, a financial futures and derivatives trading firm. He was formerly a member and Full seat owner on the Chicago Board of Trade.
JT has been invited to speak on multiple occasions at the Kellogg School of Management on the topic of Search Funds and acquiring and operating middle-market businesses. He is a member of the Young Presidents Organization and also enjoys skiing, cycling, and fly-fishing.
Mr. Fitzgerald is an MBA graduate of the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University with concentrations in Finance, Accounting, and Management Strategy. He holds a BS, finance, from DePaul University with highest honor, Beta Gamma Sigma.